Sunday, May 8, 2016

I'm a Doctor Now!

After 4 long and hard years my degree has been conferred. That means you can now call me Doctor.

First, where has time gone? 
Second, I'm so emotional I can hardly stand it. 

Today has been chaotic, you know with it being Mother's Day, Graduation Day, AND Evander's birthday! I am really struggling to write this post, but I want to be sure to write it because I want to capture this very moment. I can't pick a starting point, my mind has been racing all week. I've been having trouble sleeping for the last 2 weeks. Only today during graduation did my mind stop racing for one single question: Now What? What's next for Charity? For that moment my mind was blank. I have been longing for a blank mind for over 2 weeks.Then finally I have a blank mind and I felt stunned. Shocked. As if in that moment I was in a dream- Surreal. I dreaded going to graduation, I didn't want to sit for hours, in the hot sun, dressed in all black, practically on top of the person beside me. But none of that happened. However, it was a bit hot. But today, if never before in my life, today- I took pride in myself. 
In my regalia.
In my school.
 My profession.
 My culture.
 I took pride in every:
set back, 
and failure.
Every mistake, 
each uncertainty.
All of the hurt I've ever experienced in my life allowed me to earn this doctorate. Those things molded me into the person I have become.Sometimes, we gravely underestimate God's destiny for our lives. We become scared and uncertain, doubtful, and even unenthusiastic. But, there is no error in God. In short, to sum up graduation- it was perfect.

Evander's Birthday
As I mentioned earlier, Evander had to share his Birthday glory with my graduation. He completely catered to my every need, as he does most days. I wanted to do something very special for him. But being that we are going on vacation, money is limited. We went back and forth about what our post graduation plans would be. Both of us really wanted to go out to eat, but the massive crowds are not our style. And as if you haven't figured out already, I am a big foodie and love trying out new places. So, we set out to find a restaurant that was accepting reservations and to our luck we found Freemason Abbey and it was absolutely delish. In short, to sum up Evander's birthday-it was perfect.

Mother's Day

4 years ago, I became a mother my greatest accomplishment to date. Yes, even above my doctorate. But today I was able to show my daughter what hard work and faith will allow you to accomplish. I hear that she brags to her classmates that "My mommy is a doctor" "My mommy is in the newspaper" So, I know that she is proud of me. I want to raise a woman, who is first proud of who she is and second proud of being a woman. To follow every single one of her dreams and never settle for a "No." So, mother's day for me today was extra special. I was with my Mother, her mother, my aunts, and my Nana. All strong, beautiful, bold- women. When I get discouraged about life, I look around and I know that, I can feel that I'm meant to be great. Don't EVER let someone tell you, that you can't be great. And don't not be great because someone is intimidated by your greatness. Just throw glitter, twirl, and smile. I said all this to really just say: In short, to sum up Mother's Day-it was perfect.


Maybe we don't have too many perfect days or maybe everyday is perfect and we just don't acknowledge it. We focus so much on the rain, that we forget to appreciate the sunshine.I'm not sure. Really, who am I? Well, I'm glad you inquired. I'm the perfect person, for the perfect occasion, for which I have been perfectly assigned to be perfect for.- this all is now. So, again I ask, who am I? I'm a doctor now.

With love,

Doctor Mommy 

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